The Easy and the Right
Like a far away horizon, cutting land from the light.
So strong was the line, between what I thought was wrong and right.
Inspired by the examples of the great and their fights,
Their choices seemed easy, BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT THEY WERE RIGHT.
For I thought when I’d be grown, and when my choices will actually matter,
between the wrong and right, I would always chose the latter.
But when my turn came, to choose between the right and the wrong,
Lo! The paths had changed and woods sang a different song.
Or maybe the change was in my perception, my thinking or my sight.
For I saw no wrong, but one easy and one right.
And that was all that took, to separate me and my might.
- Nipun
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Easy and the Right
Posted by
12:52 PM
Labels: NITJ Trends
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Great NIT J Tamasha....
Need I say anything?
These ordered words that appear to be , were once a swarm of unorganized alplhabets - a blurred manuscript - created by a quivering hand....not out of sympathy , but out of sarcastic satisfaction....
After a virtual Rang de basanti like situation here in the campus, everything has fallen back in place ( i.e. out of place , AGAIN!!! )
Where's the fervour now?
Gone with the wind, or rather our beloved , MR. M ( you know where.....on a vacation to saddi our minds...)??
So while a certain Mr. M was busy getting Mr. M junior married, we were busy panning out new dishes , never heard of before , with the promise of revolutionising the system....blah..blah....!! ( Obviously, too many CHEFS at work found loads of Masala in the propinquity... )
Its one thing gathering crowds( you get lots of vehlas here at NIT "go dick under" (borrowed from Varun sir !! ) and totally another when it comes to finding a bunch of "Sensible Idiots" - Sensible because of obvious reasons and Idiots because their genuine concern for the system , would be regarded as an ostentatious idiosynracy by us so called "smart people"....
Its disheartening to see the way the situation was handled, it only showed the lack of unity amongst us....rather I wont call it lack of unity - for some "smart people " would rave about the huge crowds they was lack of a common agenda...or rather lack of common interest amongst those who mattered - THE MASSES...
Yes you had your demands - true - but how many of us actually stood for them??
There were voices heard about the need to remove Suppli's ,some generous smarties , rather settled for reducing the fees to 500...
Girls wanted sleeveless clothes to be allowed.....then there were concerns about Gate timings......I would rather not comment on these ( no I am not diplomatic , a**holes!! ), but only mention them, for I didnt have the privilege to feel the way it does in GH 1 & 2...maybe they had a point....But certainly not the right means....
Then there was the best of all . Mr. A wants pen drives to be allowed in CC ( i support him, but the problem is that's the only thing he wants..., ya...he is comfortable with the 3 : 1 ratio b/w us students and members of Family Caninus Lipius Peribus ---- DOGS!!! )
You can SHOUT out loud and yet not be heard , and be heard without even trying to make a rather conscious effort to be heard........sounds flustering , think of it ( after all thats the only thing we do....
WE ARE MEN OF WORDS......ahem, ahem...ONLY WORDS!!!
And whatever drama took place at the highway , for God's sake , When will those "smart people " actually get smarter!!
People were discussing about hunger strikes in the midst of savouring their Repast...sums it all, doesn't it?
Some Extra Smarties ,took it as an opportunity to dish out their political desires and show off their Importance ( Or Is It Impotence ?? )
Its one thing to show off Herogiri....and other to stand when it is actually counted...
What did we gain from it?
No the answer isnt nothing....we did gain....
But the big question is ........
Apparently a little bit more then nothing.....
Best of luck, Student Union ( If ever it is to be made...)
P.S. : I tried hard to not to sound cynical, but as Tom Cruise says In JEERY MAGUIRE...
We live in a Cynical World, a BIG cynical World...
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
2:54 PM
Labels: nit jalandhar, strike, student union
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
techNITi '09 n stuff
If there is something surely unfortunate about the ongoing student agitation, it has got to be its timing, just after techNITi it completely overshadowed the fest. So just in order to renew the memories, here is a my ( little long) account of what I saw and experienced during the eve of fest as well as during the fest.
During the eve of the fest there were mixed reactions ranging from...' yaar fest ki to koi feel hi nahi aa rhi ' to 'dude, dis time around techNITi is going to be something which we have never seen before!'....both of these reactions were the extremes of reaction spectrum....most people had opinions somewhere in between.
The publicity committee guys were constantly running around, looking extremely busy, pasting posters, collecting banners, attending there endless meetings. Guys around suddenly developed deep passion for robotics...automaxi, robo combat, robo roadies, mud rally, aqua bahn to name few of the events they aspired to participate ( or rather win, most of them cared only for the prize money) .
Then there were the accommodation committee guys whose lives seemed to revolve only around gaddas, takiyas, pedestal fans, entries etc.
The hilarious part is always the rumors...
Days before fest it came to light that first yrs. are not allowed in the fest. Now these were a few explanations doing rounds..
- ' its an MHRD norm, first yrs. are not supposed to interact with seniors during first 3-4 months...'(okay, maybe)
- ' someone from the first yr. has complained to the admin. about they r being cautious..'(err..still okay..)
- ' someone from the first yr has complained to the MHRD' ( but why??..)
- ' no, no... he did not complain, just gave a missed call to MHRD...'
( next I was expecting somebody to say that the first yr had sent a complaint scrap to MHRD on orkut!!)
then of course there are pessimists sort of people...spreading their own brand of rumors...
- ' you know half of the sponsors have backed off...the budget has gone really low...'
- ' the workshops are getting canceled, without first years whom do you expect to participate??'
- ' some guest lectures have also been called really believed that Dilip Chhabria and Dabbawala man will be a part of our fest??!!! you are really gullible...'
( I tried searching for these people during the turned out that most of them had gone home..)
The D-day arrived..18th Sept. and techNITi commenced ( without any opening ceremony.... nobody I knew had any explanation ).
Few of the events which I attended...
'I will never touch a breadboard in my life.. stupid damned thing!!..cant even hold an I.C. properly...'
' Microcontrollers were allowed!!!..this is cheating!!'
ROBO COMBAT : It looked more of a derby race with participants screaming at there warring robos which were getting cut , severed, scratched n all.
( the Wall-E replica was getting as many admirers as the competition...kudos to the creators!!)
ROBO ROADIES : the arena was yet again perfect... the participants had a hard time going through the obstacles.
ESTHETIQUE : it was the usual fashion show....boys cheering up for the female models...I do not need to add more.
GENERAL QUIZ : the quiz master had brain racking questions to offer which the participants did their best to answer. For the audience it was merely an occasion to gather facts.
GAGSTERS AND MUSIC VIDEOS: the event started late, which lead to only three gags being screened. Some music videos were really good....the Malluworks' video( which eventually won) got much appreciation.
ADGINEERS: just like the above event there were a few entries, out of which some were trash , some were good and few were really good ( my favorite is the insurance one)
One event I must mention is ENGENIUS, of which a very dear friend of mine was an integral part but despite his repetitive invitations, I failed to participate in it. Anyway I heard that it got good response, so maybe he has forgotten that I had promised to be there ( good for me!!).
Then there were the guest lectures.
The teleconference with Dr. Sam Pitroda did gather many people, but I can bet half of them had no idea what he was speaking about in his monotonous voice.
The next day we had Mr. Mahesh Murthy whose lecture I missed but the students' reaction was fabulous.
Then the lecture I was eagerly waiting for.... one by Mr. Dilip Chhabria. Well most guys dozed off....waking up only when the slide show of his creations began. Some questions were asked as well..most of which tended to get repetitive.
I missed the entrepreneurship workshop too... but the kind of brickbats it got....I do not think I missed anything exciting.
Lastly there was the Dabbawala guest lecture where Mr. Manish Tripathi explained the nuances of his organization, distributed gandhi topis ... which people did enjoy.
The nights were lit up by the spectacular performances...Mr. Christopher James on Day 1 and Mr. Amar Sen on Day 2.
While Mr. James played magic with cards, levitated tables holding just it's tablecloth, produced flowers out of ashes, filled an empty Pepsi can out of thin air, changed Rs. 100 note to Rs. 1000 note... leaving people dumbstruck ( quite many people were keen to learn the last trick) , Mr. Sen endeared the crowd with his unique performance using hand shadows a craft few of us had seen before.
Compared to these the closing ceremony was a bit dampener, with none of the performances really firing up the crowd.....but as they say nothing is perfect. Most of the prizes went to outside participants...( some people grumbled about this, some were content as it meant more outside participation in future)
I forgot to mention the food stall where one could get a glass of soft drink for Rs. 15 only, one dinner meal for Rs. 50 only....and so on.The final verdict : overpriced and not so good food.
Vodafone had set up it's counter with speakers blaring out popular numbers and some fun games being played [ one of them involved doing continuous push ups for a certain time limit ( which I'm unable to recollect) ]...much to the amusement of the crowd.
Next day they were joined by the Mountain Dew counter where one was supposed to do the same push ups on ice slabs....these guys lived upto the brand image.
So this was techNITi'09 from my eyes ... interesting competitions, loads of fun, great learning experiences, large participation, few glitches....overall really fantastic and memorable..
Very well written, Sarthi!! Welcome on board ! :)
Posted by
10:59 AM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Quirky News
Preparations for Techniti-09 our technical fest are on in full swing. Lot of the students on campus are surprised by the number of different events and happenings, the words on everyone's lips are that this is gonna be the best fest on campus ever. The D-day is approaching fast with less than 2 weeks to spare. People who have no idea what I'm talking about or wanna know more plz visit :
In other news, a really different scene unfolded at Himachal Unviersity as reported in TOI... 2 students were expelled for ragging..and hold ur breath.. the victims and eyewitnesses were fined for not reporting the incident to the authorities. That's a harsh stance to say the least. Guess our college might just lose out on its "top ragging free campus in country" tag soon. Two things that struck me about the news were:
1. It took a suicide a year back for them to adopt such a harsh stance.
2. Does this open up an opportunity for authorities to slap ragging cases on unsuspecting students, even if the supposed victim says the event never occurred, that all that was watched by some 3rd party was construed to be something it wasn't..
I guess the answer lies in the future case of some unfortunate senior...
Posted by
1:25 PM