
All views expressed herein are the individual author's own and don't in any way reflect the views of the institution or the entire student community. Views expressed are meant to show the lighter aspects of our college life and bring out issues pertaining to the college without personal harm meant to anyone.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Easy and the Right

The Easy and the Right

Like a far away horizon, cutting land from the light.
So strong was the line, between what I thought was wrong and right.

Inspired by the examples of the great and their fights,
Their choices seemed easy, BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT THEY WERE RIGHT.

For I thought when I’d be grown, and when my choices will actually matter,
between the wrong and right, I would always chose the latter.

But when my turn came, to choose between the right and the wrong,
Lo! The paths had changed and woods sang a different song.

Or maybe the change was in my perception, my thinking or my sight.
For I saw no wrong, but one easy and one right.
And that was all that took, to separate me and my might.

- Nipun