Its a bit strange when something important is about to happen, things somehow all fall into place. As if somehow it all just has to happen with the least trouble, right from the weather turning pleasant to solutions being found for all the minor glitches that crop up.
Today while some of us started the holy month of Ramadan with their daily fasting, some like me were totally immersed in celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations at SAC. It involved a Hawan in the morning and will have an evening Aarti everyday till 27th (when visarjan will occur) at 7.00pm after which prasad will be offered.
A thing that passed my mind as I closely observed all of this, was how all of us who self proclaim themselves as atheist, sin committing individuals are actually the most god fearing individuals, the ones who linger and pray to the higher being, the most when such occasions arises. Not wanting to delve too much on the philosophical side of this, just would want say that people shouldn't do things they may repent later or think they can get off their slate by being sorry about it...
On another completely different note, rumors flying about of another strike tomorrow, no clue whether its teaching or non-teaching. Though I would agree with most of my fellow mates that these strikes help us get " valuable free time".. the only thing I don't like about them is the uncertainty that goes along with them... you never know in advance that they r gonna happen n u still have to wake up early to attend that morning class..
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Festivities and Pleasantaries
Posted by
10:46 PM
Labels: Campus Happenings
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wow!!! Hold on a sec, exams round the corner guys. Come on you have to be kidding me. I just came in 3 weeks back. How can we have exams this month end? WTF?
But that is the truth. No matter you have settled in the college routine or not, we have our exams this month end. What sucks more is that we still don’t have the books. Leave the books I am not even sure of my subject names as yet. I wonder what I am gonna do this time! Help guys!!
Take CareSigning OffArghya
Posted by
8:35 PM
Saturday, August 15, 2009
August 15.. Sounds familiar
Well I have never attended the celebration( if there is any) in our college.. I've heard that it's Euphoric.. :-P . It's only a custom that the director & the registrar are saddled with.. their grim faces suggest that the morning tea or maybe the last night's sex weren't good enough.. the only saving grace is a movie by the movie club which is usually enjoyed by most of the students.. I hope someone is planning on flying kites & make the occasion more lively..
Posted by
Vaibhav Joshi
1:09 AM
Friday, August 14, 2009
Need for more Events....
Well.....all this while as i write this, all the existing societies of our college are racing against time to get their acts together for the big event - TECHNITI.
To be very honest with you guys, barring TechNiti and Utkansh , our college is almost dysfunctional..........So why not plan and prepare for more events outside the domain of these 2?
Take 4 example this - when was the last time we had an Inter College Debate-- Leave Inter college - We hardly ever had an Intra college event!!!
So i request everyone to brace up and collaborate with each other to make our college life more active and 'EVENT'ful.......
Now that I am a sophomore myself as most of the guys here are, we would appreciate to see some changes and not just be a part of them , but actually implement them.....
Signing Off....
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
5:13 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Strike!!! I call a Strike. Implement sixth pay commission.Strike!!!
Well yes friends you guessed right. I am repeating words of our beloved non teaching staff. After probably 5 days of calling strike, shouting slogans, disrupting classes and labs they still havnt reached anywhere. Our director is keeping a very straight face to all this it seems. And just after the pay commission has agreed to almost double the salaries of the teachers in the IIMs,IITs and NITs, the non teching staff seems to have thier hopes way high in the sky. The benifit or loss that i am not sure is of the students. No labs-means more sleep in hostel for those who like doing it and those who dont can actually go 2 hell. Library is closed. The CC is closed. Every thing that is actually of some importance to us is closed. Even the Nescafe counter hasnt opened. I wonder which strike he is taking part in.
Take Care
Signing Off
Posted by
10:59 AM
Monday, August 10, 2009
Blank faces and blank pages
That was all to be seen around
Been wathchin students' plight since ages
The devils still felt pleasure unbound
Those times flashed back in minds
When Power didn't count for a class
Some slept in postures of all kinds
While the others went to alps for time pass
But the dream broke,heard a polite voice
Memory, though a little hazy,I recall
It said something about giving a choice
Either to run away or strip in front of all
Running away?I couldn't salvage my pride
Really?he thought he could scare me away
The show began,as the curtains slide
And what happened next,is a nightmare to this day
It began with my shirt
And went all down
Stripped all,not a speck of dignity left
I stood there like a clown
Engineer?Will I ever become one?
Why the heck I chose this career?
The polite voice made me think upon
As it moved on to check out the next stripper
Though dejected,I still don't feel so low
How could I? when even Papa Bear couldn't do
We all were part of this mass rape
This odreal we all had go through.
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
11:34 PM
Friday, August 7, 2009
This post does not aim to create a situation of panic or anxiety amongst you readers, it is just to share the latest information about the Swine flu cases being reported here in the campus.
Swine Flu Symptoms
According to the CDC, like seasonal flu, symptoms of swine flu infections can include:
- fever, which is usually high, but unlike seasonal flu, is sometimes absent
- cough
- runny nose or stuffy nose
- sore throat
- body aches
- headache
- chills
- fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
- diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more commonly seen than with seasonal flu
Signs of a more serious swine flu infection might include pneumonia and respiratory failure.
If your child has symptoms of swine flu, you should avoid other people and call your pediatrician who might do a rapid flu test to see if he has an influenza A infection. Further testing can then be done to see if it is a swine flu infection. (Samples can be sent to local and state health departments and the CDC for confirmation of swine flu, especially if a child is in the hospital.)
Keep Smiling.It helps. :)
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
11:08 PM
ICE TO CSE,CSE TO ICE....Kya hai yeh Drama?
Faces.....lots of faces - faces is what i saw....& they saw me.
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
1:51 PM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Students Council
Hi frnds
Am writing this blog in expectation that I will get a response from all of you who read it. Feel free to express what you think aftr reading it.
Our college provides us with a lot of facilities. But most of them get wasted due to lack of maintenance and proper care. Also the college always takes decisions based on their advantage rather than ours.keeping all this in mind we have decided to come up with a student council which will put forth all these problems in front of the college authorities. It will be the first organized council of the students where every student of the college will be a member. Ofcourse we expect resistence from college but that is what makes this council all the more important to form.
So all of you please let us know what you think. Invite your frnds to join this blog.
Take Care
Signing off
Posted by
12:44 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Girls @ NIT......
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
5:07 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
The College Begins
We are back from our holidays and the college has already started showing its colours. Its started with the hostel allotments. Probably the worst ever managment possible. Any how the more important things are yet to come. The new first year is in. God knows what awaits us this year. TechNiti too is on its way. Work is as usual slow and hardly visible but no one is to be blammed for we ourselves are responsible.
Take Care Guys
Posted by
11:22 PM
The Ultimate Race For Hostel @ NIT J....
The aptitude for ineptitude that followed me throughout my summer - with the affininity that Bush( and now hopefully Barack ) had for Osama.....gave me the feel of ' deja vu ' - that the world is like an open desert , same at all ends with nothing to choose from.
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
12:19 AM
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Begginnig.....
Posted by
Utkarsh Modi
11:03 PM