
All views expressed herein are the individual author's own and don't in any way reflect the views of the institution or the entire student community. Views expressed are meant to show the lighter aspects of our college life and bring out issues pertaining to the college without personal harm meant to anyone.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Blank faces and blank pages
That was all to be seen around
Been wathchin students' plight since ages
The devils still felt pleasure unbound

Those times flashed back in minds
When Power didn't count for a class
Some slept in postures of all kinds
While the others went to alps for time pass

But the dream broke,heard a polite voice
Memory, though a little hazy,I recall
It said something about giving a choice
Either to run away or strip in front of all

Running away?I couldn't salvage my pride
Really?he thought he could scare me away
The show began,as the curtains slide
And what happened next,is a nightmare to this day

It began with my shirt
And went all down
Stripped all,not a speck of dignity left
I stood there like a clown

Engineer?Will I ever become one?
Why the heck I chose this career?
The polite voice made me think upon
As it moved on to check out the next stripper

Though dejected,I still don't feel so low
How could I? when even Papa Bear couldn't do
We all were part of this mass rape
This odreal we all had go through.


Utkarsh Modi said...

just a nightmare.chill.its not that bad!

Arghya said...

nice man...i thought u were describing some ragging case..lolz