
All views expressed herein are the individual author's own and don't in any way reflect the views of the institution or the entire student community. Views expressed are meant to show the lighter aspects of our college life and bring out issues pertaining to the college without personal harm meant to anyone.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Begginnig.....

HEY Welcome all.......this is an attempt on our part to speak out our lives in Nit J....

Just to start with me & ma fellow comrades break out of their shells to reach out to you guys...

Members R welcome.....

We wish to rope in the best writers here 2 speak out....( if you r not here, den u got a chance)

This blog would basically deal with everything & anything related 2 our coll....
So plz no personal blogs here.....
If in case we get Sponsors , Revenue wud be shared equally ( Highly unlikely, So stop Dreaming :P)

Lets Get it On!!

The Sojourn of the Bloggers begins!