
All views expressed herein are the individual author's own and don't in any way reflect the views of the institution or the entire student community. Views expressed are meant to show the lighter aspects of our college life and bring out issues pertaining to the college without personal harm meant to anyone.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Wow!!! Hold on a sec, exams round the corner guys. Come on you have to be kidding me. I just came in 3 weeks back. How can we have exams this month end? WTF?
But that is the truth. No matter you have settled in the college routine or not, we have our exams this month end. What sucks more is that we still don’t have the books. Leave the books I am not even sure of my subject names as yet. I wonder what I am gonna do this time! Help guys!!
Take CareSigning OffArghya


Vaibhav Joshi said...

we're riding in the same boat my friend..